Revolutionising Local Food Delivery: Scaling and Securing Infrastructure for a Growing Service with AWS

About the Client

The client is a local food delivery service operating in informal settlements, providing a crucial link between residents and local vendors. They have been instrumental in bringing accessible and affordable food options to communities often underserved by traditional delivery services. Their business model relies heavily on timely and secure transactions, making the efficiency and reliability of their IT infrastructure paramount to their success.

The Challenge

The client initially operated on a traditional on-premises infrastructure, which proved inadequate as the business expanded. This setup was plagued with several challenges:

  • Scalability Issues: As demand increased, the on-premises servers struggled to handle the load, leading to frequent downtimes and slow service, which frustrated clients and vendors alike.
  • Security Concerns: Operating in informal settlements posed unique security challenges, particularly in safeguarding client data and transactions. The existing system lacked robust identity and access management (IAM), making it vulnerable to unauthorised access and data breaches.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: The absence of centralised operations management made it difficult to monitor and manage the infrastructure effectively. Manual processes led to delays and increased the risk of errors, negatively impacting service delivery.

The Solution

BATSAMAYI stepped in to modernise the client’s infrastructure with a comprehensive managed solution that leveraged AWS services:

  • Migration to AWS: The client’s platform was migrated to AWS, utilising Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and AWS Fargate. This combination allowed the client to run containerised applications without needing to manage servers or clusters. Fargate automatically scaled and managed the underlying infrastructure, ensuring that the clients services were always available and capable of handling fluctuating demands.
  • Enhanced Security with IAM: BATSAMAYI implemented AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to enforce strict access controls across all AWS accounts and resources. Permissions were defined based on roles, ensuring that only authorised personnel had access to sensitive data and systems. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) was also implemented to add an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorised access.
  • Centralised Operations Management: Leveraging AWS Service Catalog with AWS CloudFormation and AWS Systems Manager, BATSAMAYI built a centralised operations management framework. This framework automated routine tasks, provided real-time monitoring, and integrated with the client’s existing IT Service Management (ITSM) tools. This setup ensured that the client’s infrastructure could be managed efficiently, whether on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment.

The Outcome

The collaboration between BATSAMAYI and the client resulted in significant improvements across multiple areas:

  • Improved Scalability and Performance: The move to AWS enabled the client to scale their services effortlessly, accommodating peak demand without compromising performance. This led to faster delivery times and increased client satisfaction.
  • Robust Security: With the implementation of AWS IAM and enhanced security protocols, the client experienced a significant reduction in security incidents. client data was better protected, and the system was resilient against potential breaches.
  • Operational Efficiency: The centralised operations management framework reduced manual intervention and minimised errors, leading to more efficient service delivery. The client could now monitor their entire infrastructure from a single dashboard, enabling quicker response times to any issues.